Bamboo shoots are the edible shoots (new bamboo culms that come out of the ground) of bamboo species Bambusa vulgaris andPhyllostachys edulis. They are used in numerous Asian dishes and broths, and are available in supermarkets in various sliced forms, both fresh and canned versions.
Bamboo shoot tips are called zhú sǔn jiān (竹笋尖) or simply sǔn jiān (笋尖) in Chinese, although they are mostly referred to as just sǔn (笋). This sounds similar in Korean juk sun (죽순), a commonly used form although the native word daenamu ssak (대나무싹) is present. InVietnamese bamboo shoots are called măng and in Japanese as take no ko (竹の子 or 筍). In Assam, they are referred to as gaz and inNepal as tama (Nepali: तामा). In western orissa region of India people call it Kardi and it is the most famous dish there.In Jharkhand they are known as sandhna. In Indonesian and MALAYSIAN they are known as rebung. In the Philippines they are most popularly known as labong. In Mizoram (India), locals name it as mautuai (mau means bamboo and tuai implies young).Bamboo shoots are eaten in Goa during the monsoon season and are commonly known as Kill (Konkani:किल्ल)
In Malaysia, they are sliced thinly to be boiled with coconut milk and spices to make a dish named gulai rebung. Other recipes using bamboo shoots are sayur lodeh (mixed vegetables in coconut milk) and lun pia (sometimes written lumpia: fried wrapped bamboo shoots with vegetables).The most well known recipe is “Masak Lemak Cili Api”. Note that the shoots of some species contain cyanide that need to be leached or boiled out before they can be eaten safely. Slicing the bamboo shoots thinly assists in this leaching. In certain parts of Japan, China and Taiwan the giant timber bambooBambusa oldhamii is harvested in spring or early summer. The bamboo has a very acrid flavor and should be sliced thin and boiled in a large volume of water several times. The sliced bamboo is edible after boiling. B. oldhamii is more widely known as a non-invasive landscaping bamboo.
Pickled bamboo, used as a condiment, may also be made from the pith of the young shoots.
In western orissa or Kosal region of India,It is used in almost each and every dishes.Since this region is dominated by the tribal population ,Kardi as Bambbo shoot is called here is believed to be in used from hundred of years.Here KARDI ACHAR (Bamboo shoot pickle) and KARDI BHAJA (Fried bamboo shoot strands)is most famous.
In Assam, India, bamboo shoots are part of the traditional cuisine, It's called Khorisa and Bah Gaj in Assamese.
In Jharkhand, India they are used in curries, and commonly used as a pickle.
In Manipur, India, bamboo shoot is used in a wide variety of dishes - among which are iromba, ooti and kangshu ar eto.
In Nepal, they are used in dishes, which have been well-known in Nepal for centuries. A popular dish is Tama (fermented), with आलु (Potato), बोडी (Beans). An old popular song in Nepali depicts tama as "आलु बोडी तरकारी तामालाई मन पर्ने हाम्रो आमा लाइ" which means, "my mother loves vegetable of recipe containing Potato, Beans, and Tama".
In Vietnamese cuisine, shredded bamboo shoots are used alone or with other vegetable in many stir-fried vegetable dishes. It may also be used as the sole vegetable ingredient in pork chop soup.
In Philippine cuisine, they are called "Labong". Two most popular dish for this is the "Ginataang Labong" (labong with coconut milk and chilies) and "Dinengdeng na Labong" (labong in fish bagoong with string beans, saluyot, and tinapa).
The bamboo shoots are used as a special dish during the monsoons(due to seasonal availability) in Coorg(Kodagu) district, Karnataka, India. It is commonly known as Kanile in the local language. It is usually sliced and soaked in water for 2 to 3 days, where the water is drained and replenished with fresh water each day to extricate and remove toxins. It is also used as pickle. It is used as a delicacy by all communities in Coorg.
The Chakmas people of Diyun call the Bamboo shoot as Baajsuri.Bamboo shoots are peeled and cooked with Sidol.Chillies and turmeric are not added as they make it very hot thoughChakmasare recognised for their intake of chillies.It can also be fermented called Midukkiyeh.Pork with Midukkiyeh is one of the favourite dishes of the Chakmas.
In Uganda, bamboo shoots are called Maleya or kamaleya among the Lumasaba tribe along Mt Elgon region in Uganda. Generally, they are called malewa by the rest of Ugandans. Since it is a seasonal crop, it is harvested once a year and preserved by smoking then cooked by soaking. It is then washed, sliced and then boiled. It is eaten in ground nut sauce
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